Evaluation is now a critical factor in obtaining, and retaining, project and programme funding in community regeneration. It’s also critical for the development of evidence-based policy. The 40 participants at this Open Forum, held at The Tolbooth in Stirling, were given the opportunity to consider current policy and practice on the use of evaluation and seek to identify ways and means in which the use and practice of evaluation in regeneration can be improved and developed.

Downloads and presentations:

1) “Your place or mine?” – A presentation by Judy Barrow, Enhanced Community Support Manager in Raploch Urban Regeneration Company.

2) “Evidencing outcomes” – A presentation by Thomas Glen, Senior Consultant in Avante Consulting in Avante Consulting.

3) IDOX reading list – sources of further information on evaluation and its role in regeneration.

SURF is grateful to the speakers, panel members and participants for making this a successful event.